Mulder (comments)
Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 comments
Haha, I certainly can't get away from this place. xD
What have you been up to?
Holy shit. This has to be one of the best cB layouts I've seen. :D
hahaha, i love your forum avatar...
very funny =D
LOL well thanks for the encouragement. I'm hoping to pass and such. haha
I did actually remember this one time that I had a client, and I guess it could be considered a mess-up? But basically I was just flat ironing her hair, and she kept changing her mind about what she wanted and she was like "No do this, wait no do that" and before I was even finished she was just like "JUST DO THE REST STRAIGHT, NEVERMIND! I'LL ROLL IT WHEN I GET HOME" and I was like okay.. so I did.
And then she gave me a bad review and told my teacher that I didn't know what I was doing, and all this stuff....
I was so mad that she didn't let me actually do it the way I was suppose to, and it actually coming out like she wanted.
I wanted to strangle that lady. hahaha
[/random story]
Ahhh, basically same. But not nervous about college. I'm nervous about the state board exam/graduating and starting to look for a salon to work at/etc.
Screwing up someones hair is something I am terrified of. But I've been in school for almost 2 years, and haven't screwed up anyones hair, so maybe that is a good sign? idk. haha
Other than that, everything is grand. :]
Michellle.eee.e..e.e. I didn't feel like spamming in the feedback anymore so yeeeah. hahahaha
How is the life of Michelle?
hey you! how's it been going? I haven't talked to you in forever =( I'm in love with this particular shade of periwinkle in your profile =]
Hey Michelle =D
your layout reminds me of blueberries (which is a good thing)
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